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Service Restored: CINC Networking update issues

Submitted by phta3614 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Issue Resolved  at 10:41 02/13/2019:

All service should be restored, as of now, the upgrade has gone through successfully. 


Issue updated at 08:25 am 02/13/2019: 

Maintenance in CINC has been extended due to network upgrade complications, as a result, wireless and wired in the Distribution Center (WALN) will not be functional until the issue is resolved. 

OIT is currently working to restore service as soon as possible. 

Issue updated at 09:05 am 02/13/2019:

The High-Performance Computing Facility (HPCF) is also experiencing issues and will not have a network connection. 

Affected Services

UCB Wireless and UCB Guest as well as wired network

Affected Buildings

WALN the Distribution Center, HPCF High Performace Computing Facility