Account Types
A primary account is your primary personal account. For example, Ralphie Buffalo's primary account is her IdentiKey, rabu1234, and her personal CU Boulder email address is
A secondary account may be associated with a primary account. For example, Ralphie Buffalo has an IdentiKey for her club's email address (ralphclub). This is referred to as a secondary account.
Secondary accounts are activated and managed in IdentiKey Manager. On the home page, the primary account holder can click Activate And Manage My Secondary Accounts to activate the account and change its settings. See the Activate Secondary Accounts tutorial for step-by-step instructions.
If a secondary account does not have an IdentiKey associated with it, it cannot be managed through IdentiKey Manager. For assistance with such an account, contact the IT Service Center.
Account Provisioning
IdentiKeys are created when you are accepted to CU Boulder. After being accepted, you can activate your IdentiKey in IdentiKey Manager.
When your job appointment is entered into the payroll system, your IdentiKey will be created within one to two business days. If you cannot activate your IdentiKey, check with your HR liaison to ensure your job appointment has been entered with the correct effective date.
Retirees who are being paid by CU Boulder will maintain their IdentiKey and email services.
Alumni/Former Students
Alumni maintain their IdentiKey and email services through the Email for Life program. Former students who did not receive a degree from CU Boulder maintain access to their IdentiKey but not their email services.
If you are an alumni or former student and would like to request an IdentiKey account, please contact the IT Service Center.
Sponsored Individuals
Your IdentiKey will be created after a current faculty or staff member at CU Boulder has approved and submitted a sponsorship request for you.
Non-Primary Accounts
Non-primary accounts (also known as secondary accounts or group accounts) can be requested by any faculty or staff member currently affiliated with CU Boulder. Once the IdentiKey for the non-primary account is created, you can activate it. For more information, see Accounts - Secondary Accounts.