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Data Center Colocation - FAQ

How much does Data Center Colocation cost?

There is currently no cost for this service.

What is provided in the Data Centers?

OIT provides racks, power distribution units, power cables, ethernet cables, crash and laptop carts, tools, ladders, and top-of-rack switches, if required.

Will I have physical access to my equipment in a Data Center?

Yes, access to your equipment is available 24 hours a day, facilitated by the campus BuffOne card system. 

What kind of hardware can I bring?

Rack-mounted IT equipment only. OIT will work with you to convert your equipment to rack mount if needed. All equipment should have dual power supplies and front-to-back airflow.

How much rack space can I have?

Rack space is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on how much equipment your department has.

How much bandwidth can I have?

As part of a Data Center relocation, our professional network engineers may arrange a planning session with you to ascertain the best networking configuration to support your IT service needs. Typically we provide 1Gb connections; 10 Gb and 40 Gb connectivity are also possible.

Can I run my own network equipment?


Can I bring my own racks or PDU's?

No, these will be provided by OIT.

If I bring my servers to the Data Center, does OIT take over management?

No, however OIT's Shared Infrastructure Services team can provide this for a fee.

Can I keep the same IP addresses when moving to a Data Center?

No, however DNS names can be migrated to new IPs.

Do I get to pick which Data Center my equipment goes in?

OIT will work with you to determine the optimal location for your equipment.

How do I request or remove access to the Data Center?

Departments/individuals that have equipment in the Data Center may request access to the Data Center by submitting a ServiceNow request to Upon approval by the Data Center Manager, the requester will be provided a link to the Data Center Rules and Guidelines for review and acceptance. A meeting is then scheduled with the individual(s) to test their access and to have a general orientation of the facility.

It is the responsibility of the lead department representative to notify the Data Center Manager when an employee leaves the University, transfers departments, or no longer requires access to the facility. This should also be accomplished by submitting a ServiceNow request to

Can I request remote assistance for troubleshooting my equipment in the Data Center?

Yes, you may request Remote Hands assistance as it relates to your equipment and/or environment that is located within the Data Center. Learn more about the Remote Hands service.