Microsoft Teams - FAQ


What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool that integrates with other Microsoft 365 services, including OneDrive, SharePoint, Skype, Planner, as well as other third-party connectors and apps for a dynamic team working space.

Who can use Teams?

All CU Boulder Students, Faculty and Staff with Microsoft 365 accounts are able to access and use Microsoft Teams.

How do I get a team provisioned?

To request a Microsoft Team in Microsoft 365, submit the New Microsoft Team Request form on the OIT Messaging and Collaboration Request Portal. Learn more about the requirements for requesting a team before submitting your request.

How can I use teams? Is there a desktop or mobile app?
Where can I learn more about using Teams?

OIT recommends visiting the Microsoft Teams Help Center for help getting started and to find trainings about Teams features.

If you have provisioning trouble or would like to arrange an in-person training for your department, email (link sends email)

How do I schedule or join a Teams meeting?

Microsoft provides thorough documentation related to using meetings and call functionality within Teams. To learn specifically about how to join a Teams meeting by app, browser, or phone, visit Microsoft's Join a teams meeting page.