Canvas Studio - Known Issues

Canvas Studio in-quiz submission limitations


Quizzes created using Canvas Studio currently allow for unlimited submissions, without the option to limit the number of times a student may submit their answers. Additionally, Canvas Studio video quizzes use the highest-scoring submission as the overall grade.


Canvas has addressed these concerns in their 2025 roadmap. By the fourth quarter of 2025 or beyond, Canvas plans to implement the following changes for Canvas Studio:

  • Educators will be able to limit the number of attempts students can make on video quizzes.
  • With new question types and an improved video quiz builder, teachers will create more engaging video content for students.

For more information about in-video quizzing options within Canvas, please see Canvas Studio and PlayPosit In-Video Quizzing Recommendations.

Migrated Kaltura Content is not automatically captioned in Canvas Studio


Kaltura content migrated to Canvas Studio does not have automatic captioning enabled.


The owner of the Canvas Studio must enable automatic captioning for each video as needed and publish it when completed. After enabling automatic captions, it will take time until captions are complete and ready for review. Please refer to the Canvas Studio KB page for instructions on how to enable automatic captioning.

Canvas Studio capture options differ between web browsers


The names of Canvas Studio options differ between web browsers.

  • Chrome and Edge: Studio Capture, Screencast-o-Matic, Add Media
  • Firefox and Safari: Screen Capture, Webcam capture, Add Media


There is no resolution to this issue, as the screen capture process differs between browsers. While Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge have an integrated screen capture option, Safari and Firefox browsers use a third-party application. Please refer to the following vendor resources: