Software Licensing - FAQ

Purchase, Acquire and Get Access To Software

How do I purchase software for myself or others in my department?
  • Visit OIT's Software Catalog for a list of CU Boulder-provided and/or academic-priced software, as well as instructions for acquisition.
  • You may also find academic pricing on common software through OnTheHub, even if it is not CU-sponsored software.
  • For more detailed information about software purchasing, visit the Acquiring Software page.
I have questions about the OnTheHub software purchasing platform

Please see the OnTheHub page for information and answers to questions about using OnTheHub.

What should I do after purchasing software?
  1. Save your documentation about the purchase, including the invoice, how it was paid, and what exactly was included ("entitlements"). You may need this in the future to show that you own what you use. If your purchase was made through OIT Software Licensing, you do not need to save the documentation—we record that for you.
  2. Review the contract or EULA (end-user license agreement) to determine the appropriate use for the software licenses, and any restrictions that may exist. If your software is in the Software Catalog, we have already summarized those terms for you.

Support and Help for Software

What if I have issues or problems with software on my computer?

Support for any campus-licensed software, once customers have the license, will be provided by the normal support provider.

I am an IT Practitioner supporting other people in my department. How do I engage with Software Licensing for support?

Please first contact the IT Service Center, which will be able to assist you with routine issues or escalate the issue to the Software Licensing team if it is truly a licensing issue.

Some campus-licensed software comes with contracted enterprise support. We may be able to open an enterprise support case on your behalf, but we do not serve in the "campus IT support" role for an individual. Please (link sends email)contact us to open an enterprise support case.

If you have issues performing actions that support a broad number of customers, such as software license servers or preparing software packages for deployment, please (link sends email)contact us directly.

I'm looking for help with a specific software product, where can I find that?

Check the individual product's information page in the Software Catalog. If we have information or FAQs for that product, that's where you will find it.


As a user of software, what are my responsibilities?
As a purchaser of software, what are my responsibilities?
  • Review and understand the CU Fiscal Roles and Responsibilities policy. Remember that you are not allowed to sign a contract, including a license agreement, on behalf of the university. Only selected individuals at the Procurement Service Center may do so.
  • For multi-user software contracts, consider allowing OIT Software Licensing to review and provide advice on the terms and conditions of the contract.
  • After purchasing, keep track of your entitlements (the license rights that you purchased) and who you assign them to.
As an IT Professional who installs or manages software on behalf of others, what are my responsibilities?

Software Audits

What is a software audit and what can I do about it?