The team evaluates teaching and learning technologies for pedagogical uses, scalability, and support needs, engaging students and faculty throughout the process.
Cloud Computing
in the Classroom
OIT is seeking to better understand how faculty use data science notebooks and computational environments, for statistics, collaborative calculations, or machine learning (ML) models, in their classes in order to improve service offerings and support.
Turnitin Review
OIT Academic Technology Initiatives (ATI) is partnering with Academic Technology Applications (ATA), to investigate what features of the Turnitin service faculty rely on in their classes and to determine if the university, faculty, and students are receiving optimal value for the cost of providing this service.
Gradescope Evaluation
Usage on campus of Gradescope, a grading software that improves management of paper-based exams and homework, has steadily increased since 2018, particularly as a solution during emergency remote teaching. OIT was asked to consider supporting the tool and obtaining a campus license, so ATAD evaluated the software.
Reef Pilot
The iClicker Reef project seeks to assess whether the BYOD classroom response system will function efficiently within CU Boulder's infrastructure and provide additional functionality that instructors and students perceive as beneficial to teaching and learning.
Cidi Labs Template
Design & User Testing
The Academic Technology Applications (ATAP) team wanted to create a set of templates for CU instructors to make Cidi Labs easier to use, and to improve the student experience in Canvas. They asked the Learning Experience Designers (LxDs) to gather data to inform the template design, and to perform user testing on the templates before launching.
PlayPosit Pilot
Do you want your video content to actively support your teaching? Are you looking for a way to track student engagement with video assignments? Would you like be able to structure video lessons to improve student learning? The ATDT piloted PlayPosit as an interactive video tool solution for the CU Boulder campus. Learn more about the pilot and its results.
Canvas Quiz
This project is part of a continuous effort to improve how Canvas can be used at CU Boulder. ATI worked to identify and recommend alternative quizzing solutions that would meet instructors’ needs for creating and/or deploying quizzes in Canvas..