Canvas Studio, our existing video platform available within Canvas, has replaced the Kaltura platform as of December 2024.
Video content from Kaltura has been copied to Canvas Studio, and content that was linked to Kaltura media within a Canvas course has been automatically relinked to the corresponding media files within Canvas Studio. Older Kaltura content that did not meet the two-year retention policy has not been migrated to Studio. Users impacted by the retention policy were contacted via email and further details are also available in the Kaltura Content Retention Policy section below.
Please see a high level timeline of this transition and other important information below:
- High Level Transition Timeline
- Kaltura Content Migration
- Kaltura Content Retention Policy
- Using Kaltura Videos in Canvas Studio
- PlayPosit Bulbs Linked to Kaltura
- Access to Kaltura Videos Uploaded by Libraries
- Migration Known Issues
- Support and Questions
High Level Transition Timeline
- May 2024: Deadline for users to download outdated Kaltura content.
- July 2024: Kaltura general access ends, Canvas Studio becomes the primary video platform for CU Boulder. Migrated Kaltura content within retention policy is available in Canvas Studio.
- December 2024: Kaltura platform is retired and no longer available.
Please visit the visual timeline of the Kaltura to the Canvas Studio migration to review the detailed key milestones and deadlines of the transition.
Kaltura Content Migration
- All to-date migrations of Kaltura media content to Canvas Studio have been completed successfully and Kaltura content that fits within the media retention policy is available within Canvas Studio accounts. Copied Kaltura content can be found in "My Library" in your Studio account.
Kaltura Content Retention Policy
- Media retention policy affects content migration: In an effort to optimize the use of our media storage capability and to serve as responsible stewards of campus resources, OIT has applied a retention policy to the content copied from Kaltura to Canvas Studio. Per our email communications starting in winter 2023, media files stored in Kaltura that are older than two calendar years and have not been viewed over the last two calendar years, as of January 1, 2024, have not been migrated to Canvas Studio.
- Retention policy example: A media file that is five years old on January 1, 2024 and has not been viewed in three years has not been migrated to Canvas Studio, whereas a video that is five years old but has been viewed after January 1, 2022, has been migrated.
- Users impacted by the retention policy have been notified via email: Users received emails (subject: "Your Outdated Kaltura Media Files") which included download links for the content that won't be migrated.
- Broken Links within Canvas Courses: As you start to plan for future semesters, you may notice broken links where Kaltura media had been added within a Canvas course. Relinking of videos has been completed, however, if the video fell outside of OIT's retention policy, the link will remain broken and you will need to upload the content yourself to Canvas Studio and relink within the course.
Using Kaltura Videos in Canvas Studio
- How to access Canvas Studio: Studio is available within Canvas. Visit the Canvas Studio service page to learn more.
- Where to find Kaltura videos in Studio: Your video files have been copied from Kaltura to your Studio account and can be found under "My Library" in your Studio account. To help you identify Kaltura content in Canvas Studio, media files from Kaltura have a tag "Kaltura." Tags can be found under the Details tab in Studio.
PlayPosit Bulbs Linked to Kaltura
- PlayPosit bulbs have been migrated: All Kaltura videos used in PlayPosit, regardless of the retention policy, were automatically migrated to Canvas Studio for users. Videos owned by ALTEC or the LIbrary will no longer be available for use in PlayPosit due to copyright issues.
- Use Canvas Studio for PlayPosit: The ability to create new PlayPosit content using Kaltura is no longer available, so create any new PlayPosit bulbs using Canvas Studio videos instead. You will also need to authenticate your Canvas Studio account with your PlayPosit account. Follow steps 1–6 in the Accessing Canvas Studio in PlayPosit designer tutorial to complete authentication. If you do not complete this process, your bulbs will not be viewable by you or your students and you will not be able to create bulbs using Canvas Studio content.
- Canvas Studio and captioning in PlayPosit: The Canvas Studio integration in PlayPosit supports displaying captions from Canvas Studio videos. Details can be found in the captions for Canvas Studio tutorial.
Access to Kaltura Videos Uploaded by Libraries
- Copyrighted video content can be accessed through University Libraries: For all new streaming requests, please read the Streaming Media webpage for recommended steps. University Libraries offer access to copyrighted films, music and other multimedia through a variety of platforms and acquisition options.
- Libraries' Kaltura content was moved to Mediasite: Kaltura videos previously uploaded by the Libraries on behalf of an instructor have been migrated to My Mediasite. You will be able to access these videos through your Canvas course similar to Kaltura. Instructors with actively viewed videos have been emailed with migration updates. If you have not received an email, please reach out to Libraries' Digital Media Services at
Migration Known Issues
- Kaltura playlists: As there is no playlist functionality in Canvas Studio, we encourage users to recreate Kaltura playlists within Canvas modules or pages: Learn how to create video playlists in Canvas pages. Kaltura playlist users have received email communications about this limitation and available resources.
- Kaltura quizzes: Migration of in-video Kaltura quizzes is not available. Instead, users should recreate in-video quizzes in Canvas Studio: Learn how to use Canvas Studio quizzing. Kaltura quiz users have received email communications about this limitation and available resources.
- Lost & found: Kaltura files that could not be tracked to a specific active user when migrated to Canvas Studio may have been stored in an administrative “Lost and Found” folder within Studio. If you are missing Kaltura content in Studio that falls within the media retention policy, please contact OIT to check if the missing files are located in this folder.
- File size limitations: Canvas Studio has a file size limit of 10GB per file. If your file in Kaltura was greater than 10GB, it will not migrate to Canvas Studio. If you have a media file greater than 10GB, please contact OIT for guidance.
- Kaltura video ownership and PlayPosit: Only the original owner of a video that was hosted in Kaltura and migrated to Canvas Studio can authorize its use in PlayPosit. If you used someone else’s video to create a PlayPosit bulb, you must transfer ownership of the bulb to the video owner in order for it to function properly. Contact OIT for assistance if you encounter this issue.
- "Media Not Found" streaming error: A small number of embedded videos within Canvas courses may display a "Media Not Found" error after relinking from Kaltura. This error occurs most often in cases when media files migrated from Kaltura were deleted after the migration process, or in the event that the video from Kaltura was streaming from a YouTube link rather than stored in Kaltura.
- Canvas Studio automatic captioning: Kaltura content migrated to Canvas Studio does not have automatic captioning enabled. The owner of the Canvas Studio will need to enable automatic captioning for each video if needed, and publish them when completed. After enabling automatic captions, it will take time until they are completed and ready for review. Please refer to the Canvas Studio KB page for instructions on how to enable automatic captioning.
Support and Questions
- Participate in a Canvas Studio training: To learn more about the Canvas Studio platform, please consider taking our live or on-demand Canvas Studio trainings listed on the Academic Technology Training page.
- Attend Canvas office hours: OIT's Academic Technology Consultants are hosting Canvas Support office hours to assist instructors with the transition to Canvas Studio. Instructors can schedule a consultation for one-on-one help to assist with the transition to Canvas Studio.
- Contact OIT: If you need support with the transition or have questions about Kaltura content in your Canvas Studio account, please contact the IT Service Center at or call 303-735-4357.