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Zoom - Accessibility


Although this website provides information you should know about the accessibility of the Zoom service, Instructors (and others creating and sharing content in Zoom) share the responsibility of ensuring that content is provided in a way that is accessible to everyone in the course. Additional resources (including training, course design assistance, and document templates) regarding designing accessible courses will be provided as the Accessibility Initiative progresses.

What is Accessibility? 

‘Accessible’ means a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally inclusive manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use.

Accessibility Considerations

Below is an outline of platforms with accessibility considerations to be aware of.


  • Once chat is started, a user does not know if the message that they send is private or to everyone until after they send it (at that time the label becomes readable).
    • Currently working with vendor to identify a workaround and possible fix.

Information for Instructors

Please see Zoom Accessibility Best Practices for guidance on ensuring that Zoom meetings are as accessible as possible for all participants

If you plan on using Zoom for office-hours as an instructor please note the following assistive technology features in the application. For more information please don’t hesitate to contact the Accessible Technology group at 303-735-4357 or

Zoom provides the ability to create captions as a meeting takes place. This requires that someone manually type in text as the meeting takes place. For more information on this feature please see the Closed Captioning documentation from Zoom.

Service Road Map

We are currently working with the CU Accessibility and Usability Lab (AUL) to test Zoom applications on various platforms as they are released. As accessibility issues arise we will be working with the vendor to find resolutions and workarounds where possible. Updates to these issues can be found above organized by platform and including resolution date or workarounds as they become available.

Additional Accessibility Information 

Further information can be found on the Zoom Accessibility page (this page includes VPAT information as well).

Get Help or Provide Feedback

OIT has partnered with Disability Services to provide assistance for accessibility issues related to OIT supported services and we want to hear from you about this service. If you need assistance using this service or you have more information about the accessibility of this service that we should share with others, please contact the IT Service Center at or at 303-735-4357.