Secure Computing for CU Boulder

What is secure computing?

Secure computing standards identify the minimum requirements for all University-owned computers and servers. CU Boulder has adopted these standards to increase the integrity and security of University data and the shared information technology environment. Ultimately, the standards will help to address unique security challenges our campus faces including better support for hybrid teaching, learning and work, increased security of computing assets, decreased risk to intellectual property, and much more.

Visit the Secure Computing Project page for more information and background on how these standards were developed and are being implemented and visit the Secure Computing Standard for Computers on the University Policy website to read the full standard. 

How to purchase and set up a computer

When you procure a Dell or Apple computer, you don't have to worry about whether you're meeting secure computing standards. These computers will arrive pre-configured to automatically apply settings and software needed to ensure compliance with the Secure Computing standard.


Enroll an existing computer

Interested in enrolling a computer you already use into the Secure Computing framework? Reach out to your departmental IT liaison, or schedule an appointment with Buff Techs to get started.

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