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Computing Labs


The University of Colorado Boulder provides teaching and learning computing labs in support of the Office of Information Technology’s primary academic mission. OIT manages many of these sites in order to maximize the University's investment in computing resources and make computing tools accessible to students. Our goal is to deliver operational labs for the largest possible number of students by providing reliable computing platforms with a full set of basic functions (communications, document generation, etc.). In addition, system functionality can be extended by including discipline-specific tools where appropriate, practical, and technically supportable.

  • Labs have either Dell PCs or Apple Mac computers. 
  • Labs provide a full set of basic functions (Communications, document generation, etc)
  • Reliable computing platforms available to students and faculty
  • Able to design department-hosted labs that meet curricular requirements of the facilities
  • OIT also offers a for-fee service to manage computer lab environments on behalf of departments. Pricing for lab management is based on complexity of the software environment regardless of system quantity.
  • OIT can provide remote access to certain labs on a case-by-case basis.


Funding for Computing Labs is provided through departmental fees and/or OIT central funds. The cost to department-funded labs are calculated based on the software requested to be installed. Learn more about Computing Lab costs on the Service Level Agreement page.

For information about rental rates for individual labs, visit the Find or Reserve a Lab page.


How to get it

Labs are available to faculty, staff and students free of charge. Department-hosted groups and external customers may reserve labs for a fee.

Related Guidelines

OIT has drafted the following guidelines for lab management, maintenance and support. These guidelines enable OIT to provide consistent service within available resources to an ever increasing number of users.


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