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NameCoach - Accessibility

Service Overview

NameCoach is a Canvas integration that allows students and instructors to record the correct pronunciation of their names. It can be accessed by selecting “NameCoach” on the navigation bar of a course in Canvas or from an individual’s Canvas Account page. These two methods will be referred to as the course navigation interface and the account interface below. Users can record their names via a web-based recorder or an automated phone call.

NameCoach Accessibility Status

The core functionality of the service (recording your name and playing back other students’ recordings) is accessible to screen reader users. However, the web recorder tool is not accessible to screen reader users, so they will need to use the phone call system to record their names instead.

Instructors using a keyboard or screen reader may encounter issues using the messaging feature.

Name pronunciations currently do not have phonetic text alternatives available in Canvas, and may not be accessible to individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

Statements on this page about the accessibility of NameCoach are based on accessibility testing done in August 2019, and may no longer represent the current status of the software.

Information for Users with Disabilities

Information for color-blind users

When using the phone recorder, the validity of a phone number is only indicated by the use of red and green background colors. If you are having trouble submitting your phone number, double-check that it is entered properly since the error indicator may be imperceptible.

Information for users with hearing disabilities

The recording process over the phone requires hearing to complete. We recommend the web-based recorder, as it has a visual indicator as to when you should start speaking.

Information for screen reader users

The web-based name recording tool does not announce when the recording starts or ends, so it is not recommended for use in recording your name. Instead, you can enter your phone number and you will receive an automated phone call to record your name.

The table of student name recordings is problematic. It consists of two tabs (“Unrecorded Names” and “Recorded Names”) that are not labeled adequately. Additionally, the table has complex headings that allow you to sort the table based on a variety of methods for each header cell, which makes the labeling and functionality somewhat difficult to decipher with a screen reader. If searching for a particular student’s name, we recommend using standard page search methods rather than the search or sorting features provided in the table.

When you select “Edit this Recording” on your Canvas account page, the Edit Recording dialog box appears but is not announced, and focus does not shift to the Edit Recording dialog box.

Information for Instructors

When using the email composition feature, we recommend replacing the default content with the following messages to help students know how to access NameCoach:

Suggested Ask to Record Message:

Hello, {{first_name}}.

The instructor for {{event_title}} wanted to remind you to please record your name at NameCoach, to help ensure it's announced or pronounced correctly.

You are able to access NameCoach by selecting Account in the Navigation Bar from within Canvas and then selecting NameCoach.

Thank you!

Suggested Re-record reminder Message:

Hi, {{first_name}}.

The instructor for {{event_title}} is requesting that you please re-record your name at NameCoach. Your recording may not have been clear, so please double-check it and record it again, to ensure your name is announced or pronounced correctly!

You are able to access NameCoach by selecting Account in the Navigation Bar from within Canvas and then selecting NameCoach.

Thank you!

Information for Instructors with Disabilities

In addition to the issues listed under the “Information for Users with Disabilities” section above, there are some accessibility issues with the instructor-specific function of emailing students to request a recording or a re-recording of their name.

The email composition dialog box doesn’t allow tab focus on the message body, so users who only use a keyboard will not be able to access this field. Screen reader users will be able to using non-standard navigation methods. The error message that appears if an email subject line is missing is not announced to screen reader users. There are also some poorly-labeled buttons in the rich content editor toolbar.

Vendor Accessibility Documentation

Get Help or Provide Feedback

If you need assistance, please contact the IT Service Center at: or at 303-735-4357.

We want to hear from you about this service. If you’re having problems using this service or you have more information about the accessibility of this service that we should share with others on this webpage, please let us know by contacting the IT Service Center at or at 303-735-4357.