Software Licensing - Acquiring Software

Campus software

OIT Software Asset Management (SAM) facilitates software licensing and distribution across the CU Boulder campus of commonly used software for faculty, staff and students. By consolidating the procurement, vendor management, and distribution of software, the campus can provide software to the broadest population while minimizing the cost of the software.

Please visit the Software Catalog to view available software.

Requests for other software

The Software Catalog lists software that is available to the CU Boulder campus that has been funded either by campus (via OIT), a consortium of multiple units, or individual units. Your software needs likely fall into one of the latter categories, which are described below.

Multiple unit software agreements

SAM can facilitate the purchase and ongoing management of software required by multiple units if the following criteria are met:

  • The software is requested by two or more units.
  • The units agree to financially support the software purchase for the term of the agreement.
  • The units allow the SAM team to manage the software agreement and provide oversight of the licenses and software distribution.

The SAM team will provide the following services for multi-unit agreements:

  • Negotiate the agreement with the software supplier.
  • Create a funding model to apportion the costs.
  • Facilitate the software purchase.
  • Create and manage the license distribution method.
  • Manage renewals.

Single-unit or individual software agreements

For single units or individuals with requirements that cannot be satisfied with a product from the Software Catalog, please follow these instructions:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the vendor's licensing terms and conditions. Especially watch for:
    • Auto-renewals – These typically require a 30-day advance notice to the supplier if you wish to later cancel your license.
    • Restrictions for using academic or educational software in non-teaching/learning situations. Unless you're a faculty member using the software in a classroom environment, you'll probably need a commercial license.
  2. Contact the supplier to inquire if educational discounts are available.
  3. Understand the payment options.
    • Purchasing through the CU Marketplace is the preferred method and aligns with PSC guidelines.
    • Procurement card purchases should be avoided if the product is available in the CU Marketplace (ask your unit's purchasing agent to check).
  4. Complete an ICT review for the product.
  5. Work with your unit's IT or purchasing team to complete your software purchase.

If you are unsure which option is best for you, or if you have software purchasing questions, please contact the (link sends email)Software Asset Management Team for additional guidance.

Freeware, open-source, and trialware software

While freeware, open-source, and trialware software do not require a purchase, the licensing terms may restrict use of the free license and require a paid license if, for example:

  • You're employed by a large organization (employee count will be specified in the terms).
  • You're using the software for commercial purposes.
  • You're a developer and are incorporating the software into your application.

You should carefully read the clickthrough agreement before downloading or installing this type of software.

If you have any questions regarding a free license agreement, contact the (link sends email)Software Asset Management Team.