Software Licensing

Software Licensing, as part of the CU Boulder Software Asset Management (SAM) program, supports business processes and campus mission activities by managing software contracts and products.

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What We Do

Software Catalog

The Software Catalog is a comprehensive listing of software available to CU Boulder. Software may be provided at no cost, or there may be a discounted cost available to campus members.

Campus Licensing

Campus licensing includes funding model development, contract management, and vendor management.

  • Software is never funded directly by SAM. Instead, SAM manages common good software, collaborative cost-sharing, and cost-recovered software. (link sends email)Contact us for details.

Software Life Cycle

  • Inventory and Tracking: SAM tracks licensing information for the products we directly manage.
  • Software Life Cycle Support and Management: In partnership with OIT service providers, SAM helps manage the software life cycle for core enterprise applications, integrating with enterprise business services, hardware life cycle, and campus support solutions.
  • Projects and Consulting: Our team can help campus departments and projects plan for and manage software spending, track licenses, match business needs to software, find campus partners for cost-sharing, develop costing models, manage contracts, plan software distribution, provide tools to assist in operational management, and more.

Compliance & Risk

  • Software Audit Information: SAM leads audits from software vendors and will lead or advise on internal audits. Internal audits are a proactive activity that campus units or service providers can take to ensure they are compliant with software agreements, and to help right-size their software licenses (often saving money).
  • Appropriate Use: SAM provides guidance to all campus customers on the appropriate use of software and helps resolve problems with software licensing when they occur. Additional services and solutions including risk management, proactive compliance, audit response, and guidelines.

Help and Support with Software