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Account Lifecycle Project


OIT is beginning the first steps in a long-term plan to rethink how we create, change, and remove accounts that provide campus community members access to IT systems. Because of the campus’s evolving security needs, we need to give people the right level of access to the systems they need, when they need it. This project will identify our options and recommend a path forward.

Current project phase 

We are interviewing stakeholders through June 2024. Stakeholders include staff who manage IT services and staff who understand how students, faculty, staff, and community members transition through CU Boulder. The feedback we receive from stakeholders will help us define how we ensure our campus community has the right level of access to the IT systems they need, when they need it.

At the same time, we are documenting OIT’s current state of provisioning and deprovisioning.

Project Timeline

January - April 2024Project start-up
April - July 2024Define future state
April - July 2024Define current state
July - November 2024Gap analysis & deliver recommendations

Project information & resources 

Contact us

If you have project-related questions, send an email to with Account Lifecycle Project in the subject line.


How will this affect me?

This project is all about making plans. Future projects will implement changes that this project recommends and those changes may affect the campus community. Changes may include identity and access management guidelines for IT providers and more clarity when credentials, like IdentiKey, are deprovisioned.