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Proctorio - Exempt a Student from Using Proctorio (Recommended Method)

If necessary, instructors can disable Proctorio for individual students. Two different workflows can accomplish this. OIT recommends the Proctorio workflow, however, the Canvas workflow can be used if the Proctorio workflow is not desirable for any reason. You can find information about the Canvas workflow on our Exempt a Student from Using Proctorio (Alternative Method) tutorial.

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Go to the quiz page, make sure the quiz is published, then select Moderate This Quiz.


On the right hand side, uncheck the box underneath the camera icon for each student who will not be using Proctorio.


When finished, scroll down and select Change Proctorio Access Settings


Once the Proctorio access settings have been changed, a password will be displayed. When the accommodated students start the exam they will be prompted to enter the password allowing them to bypass any Proctorio requirements. Share this password with those students via a private message or email as close to the start of the exam as possible; if Disability Services is proctoring the exam, the Disability Services proctor can share the password at the start of the exam period. Do not share this password with any other students.