Students: Finding Your Way in Canvas & D2L |
Start-of-Semester Canvas Tips |
What’s New In Canvas? |
Teach in a large lecture hall? Some touch panels have been upgraded. |
Faculty Requested, OIT Delivers Classroom Capture Expansion Pilot |
Increase Interaction with CUClickers & iClicker |
New Service Offering - Kubi Remote Presence |
Take Advantage of New Gmail’s Productivity Enhancements |
End-of-Term Tips for Canvas |
D2L: Best Practices for Wrap-Up of Summer Terms |
New Canvas Integration with Turnitin Plagiarism Detection |
Canvas Change: SIDs Are Now the Student Identifier |
Email Formatting |
New Gmail interface now available to CU Boulder accounts |
End-of-Semester D2L Tips |
Zoom Logins Just Got Simplified |
Top To-Do’s for Canvas Instructors |
New Email Security Measures |
Change to Grades in Canvas Courses Starting April 10 |
Make the Most of Canvas, Attend Training |