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File Transfer, Storage, and Infrastructure

File Storage Solutions

Storing documents in the cloud offers large capacity and easy accessibility to your data. Cloud Services are hosted off-campus, using non-university owned equipment that is operated by non-university employees; however, they often provide increased functionality at a lower cost than traditional storage services. As with many new solutions, there are several options to consider when switching to cloud storage, and it's very important to make sure your cloud storage solution is the correct choice for your security needs.

If you are considering using OIT storage solutions for any research data, especially data subject to the University's Highly Confidential Data Standard or regulatory standard (IRB, HIPAA, CUI, export control, etc.), please consult the Research Data section below for guidance.

OIT-supported storage solutions include Microsoft OneDrive, UCB Files, and PetaLibrary (for research). Click through the data types below to see recommendations based on the types of content you'll be storing.

Google Drive Storage Limitations

OIT no longer recommends using Google Drive for storage due to upcoming storage limitations announced recently by Google. While still an option for collaboration, communication and limited personal storage, long-term storage is not recommended in Google Drive or Google Shared Drive. Learn more about Google Storage Limitations and how to migrate data.

What storage solution should I choose?

User Data


This includes data for an individual, and can include work documents as well as non-business related data such as a personal music library, personal photos, etc.

Recommended Tools

Microsoft OneDrive

Please note: Google Drive and Google Shared Drives are not suitable for Confidential or Highly Confidential Data, and OIT largely discourages using Google for storage. Learn more about Confidential and Highly Confidential Data.

Department Data


Data that is owned by your department and shared amongst the entire department or teams within the department.

Recommended Tools

UCB Files

Microsoft Teams

Other Supported Tools

Microsoft SharePoint

Research Data


Research Data includes projects funded by research grants. The data sets tend to be large and generated in research labs, and sometimes require integration with supercomputers. Federally restricted research data, like ITAR and EAR, as well as data including human research data (IRB) and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), requires more secure storage procedures.

Before choosing a tool to store research data that falls into the Highly Confidential data standard, contact the Office of Information Security for assistance.

Recommended Tools


Other Supported Tools

UCB Files






Recommended storage solutions by data requirements or features

The following tables show more specifically which storage solutions are appropriate for specific content or data requirements or storage solution features. The symbols represented are:

= Recommended

= Supported but not recommended (limited support, some risk)

= Not available or not supported

Content/Data requirements





UCB Files



User files that are stored or shared with others for collaboration
Data shared for unit or department use
Research data (less than a TB)
Research data (more than a TB)
Storage of Public Data
Storage of Confidential Data
Storage of Highly Confidential Data
Collaborative documents, spreadsheets, slides and forms
Large files (videos, graphics, etc.)

Storage solution features





UCB Files



Sharing within a single department
Sharing across multiple departments
Sharing externally
Simultaneous editing of files
Ability to store a file over 250 GB in size
Mobile device support
Accessible off campus without VPN
File versioning
Snapshot backups
Supports offline versions (local sync of data)
Ransomware recovery via snapshot restores
High upload and download speed for large data sets

*SharePoint note: SharePoint is a document and content management system that requires support from an IT Professional to be used effectively. OIT provides limited support to customers who decide to use SharePoint for document storage. Learn more about SharePoint Online.

**Google Workspace note: While still an option for collaboration, communication and limited personal storage, long-term storage is not recommended in Google Workspace. Learn more about Google Storage Limitations and how to migrate data.

Non-Supported Solutions

OIT does not support storage solutions like Dropbox and Slack and may not be able to assist in the event of an issue with the service, lost credentials, etc.

Large File Transfer

The Large File Transfer Service is available to all Boulder Campus Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees. Features include:

  • Secure, confidential file delivery to any email address
  • Receive automatic notification of file receipt and download
  • Track all file deliveries
  • Simple web interface

Host-based Intrusion Detection Software

Host-based Intrusion Detection Software is available to server administrators needing to secure highly confidential data.

  • Host-based intrusion detection software is required on all highly confidential data servers and recommended for all internet-facing servers.
  • OIT provides two no-cost solutions: Tripwire for Windows, Linux and Unix servers. OSSEC for Macintosh.