Canvas - Help

Support AreaDescription
Canvas Instructor Support Resources for instructors facilitating Canvas courses. 
Canvas Student SupportSupport for students working in Canvas courses.
Canvas Support CommunityFind answers and share ideas with a community of other Canvas users.
Canvas AccessibilityLearn about accessible course design in Canvas.
CU Boulder Canvas Trainings and ConsultationsParticipate in a CU Boulder-hosted Canvas Workshop or meet one-on-one with an Academic Technology Consultant.
Canvas TrainingCanvas also offers training webinars that instructors can register for after they create an account with their CU email address (


Instructors can use the tutorials linked below to help ensure their content is accessible to all students. For further information about ensuring the accessibility of your course materials, please contact the university's Universal Design consulting service at 303-735-4357 or (link sends email)

Support and Training

help menu within canvas screenshot