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Canvas - Ungraded Items Tutorial

If you are using the Web Grading Sync tool in Canvas to sync your students' final grades to the Registrar’s web grading system, you will need to make note of how you want ungraded items to be treated to ensure that your student's final grades are sync correctly.

one column
two columns


Click Grades on the course navigation bar.


Click the Gradebook drop-down menu, then select Individual View.


If there is a check mark next to View Ungraded as 0, this setting has been enabled. If there isn’t a check mark, any ungraded items are being dropped.

*Note: This setting only determines how total grades are being displayed to you in the Gradebook at this moment. You need to make note of which option is appropriate for your course so you can select that option when you are using the Web Grading Sync tool to sync your grades.


Once you have taken note of the setting you wish to use, you can use the Web Grading Sync tool to sync your grades. For instructions on using the tool, review the Canvas - Web Grading Sync tutorial.