CUClickers Instructor Onboarding
What is iClicker?
iClicker is a tool for student engagement. It is a polling software you can use to promote active learning by conducting live polls in your class, and assess your students' understanding of the material with formative assessment questions. iClicker Cloud can be used to poll both remote students and students in the classroom. It integrates with Canvas, enabling students to link their iClicker remotes directly to your Canvas course. The software is free for instructors to use, and works with student iClickers as well as the iClicker student app.
Getting started with iClickers
Using the iClicker service will help you engage your students and make your class more interactive. However, you must plan accordingly, and practice if you want to be successful. OIT offers training sessions on iClicker at the start of every semester. It's a good idea to attend one if you are new to iClicker. Understanding how the system works and why you are using it is vital to your students' success. Devoting class time over the first few days of class makes all the difference.
- Download iClicker Cloud for Windows or Mac. (iClicker Cloud is not available for Linux.)
- Create an iClicker Cloud account. Choose a password that you will remember and that can be entered quickly if you need to do it in class. This video tutorial shows the account creation process.
- Create a class and set registration to invite only (ensures students use their CUClicker accounts).
- Determine if you can use mobile polling. If not, inform your students that they will need to bring an iClicker remote to class. iClickers can be purchased from the CU Book Store.
- Decide if you are using iClicker to ask questions or simply for attendance.
- Modify the settings for your course. Set the classroom remote code, choose if you want to assign points for participation, accuracy, or both. Save your settings before setting up Canvas integration.
- Rename your course in Canvas, adding the year/semester to the title (Fall 2024, Summer 2025, etc.).
- Set up Roster and Grade Sync with Canvas and sync your roster.
- Prepare to onboard your students using our guide.
- Create a test course and try running a test class either in your classroom or in your office.
- Want to practice with a base station? Check one out.
- Set up Canvas to receive iClicker grades.
Syllabus Statement
For your syllabus, include the following information:
- Why you are using iClicker
- Whether you are permitting mobile devices, physical clickers, or both (if permitting physical clickers, include the room code)
- Information about your grading scheme (how many points per day, per question, etc.)
- Whether you plan to waive individual days (e.g., for absences)
- Information about wireless hygiene
Use the following syllabus examples to inform your students about the use of clickers in your class:
Example for using only physical clickers due to poor wireless connectivity
If you are teaching in one of the classrooms rated as Fair or Poor, OIT recommends that you limit your students to using physical clickers, rather than permitting mobile polling. It is easy to change the settings in iClicker Cloud to moderate this. This statement is available for you to copy and paste into your syllabus:
We will be using iClicker to enhance active learning and participation in this course. Unfortunately, the space we are in has insufficient Wi-Fi for the entire class to reliably use iClicker mobile polling on your personal devices. Therefore, you will need to obtain an iClicker remote for use in class. You may be able to check one out for the semester on a first-come, first-served basis from the Norlin Library East Service Desk. You will also need to set up your CU-provided iClicker account and register your clicker. You will not be able to use the iClicker student app to vote in class.
Example for using only the mobile application
We will be using the CUClicker service this semester to enhance engagement and learning, track participation, and hopefully enable you to dig in to the material in class. You will need an iClicker account, provided by the university, in order to participate. You can create this account by following these instructions. You can use either the iClicker student app on your mobile device or a web browser on your laptop.
Every day that I ask iClicker questions will be worth three points, whether you answer the questions correctly or not. An additional two points are available based on the accuracy of your answers. Some questions will have right answers, and other questions will ask you to provide an opinion. You must be in the classroom to participate in the questions.
I highly recommend using UCB Wireless if you're going to participate using a mobile device. To ensure you're using the closest available Wi-Fi connection, turn Airplane Mode ON, wait five seconds, then turn Airplane Mode OFF. Using only one wireless device (like your laptop if you're using it to take notes) instead of multiple devices will help you and your fellow classmates have a better wireless experience. If you are having difficulty with the wireless, please schedule an appointment with Buff Techs for assistance.
Example for using both physical clickers and the mobile app
We will be using the CUClicker service this semester to enhance engagement and track participation in class. You will need an iClicker account, provided by the university, in order to participate. You can create this account by following the instructions for using a mobile device or a web browser. You can use a physical clicker (set to room code AB), the iClicker student app on your mobile device, or the web app on your laptop.
Every day that we ask iClicker questions will be worth one point, regardless of whether you answer the questions correctly. You will need to have location services turned on on your device, and you must be in the classroom to participate. For assistance with enabling the location features on your phone or computer, see iClicker's tutorial on geolocation.
We highly recommend using UCB Wireless if you're going to participate using a mobile device. To ensure you're using the closest available Wi-Fi connection, turn Airplane Mode ON, wait five seconds, then turn Airplane Mode OFF. Using only one wireless device (like your laptop if you're using it to take notes) instead of multiple devices will help you and your fellow classmates have a better wireless experience. If you are having difficulty with the wireless, please schedule an appointment with Buff Techs for assistance.
Example for a classroom with poor wireless connectivity, but is permitting use of physical clickers or the mobile app
This semester, we will be using the CUClickers service to enhance learning and track participation. You will likely need a physical iClicker for this class, as the wireless in our room is rated as poor, meaning there is only meager wireless coverage in the room. You may be able to check out a loaner clicker from the Norlin Library East Service Desk or you can purchase a new or used clicker from the vendor of your choice. Make sure to register your clicker if you have not already done so.
You will receive one point for every question you answer in class, and an additional two points if you answer the question correctly. There will be no make-up questions, and attendance is mandatory to get these points.
Pedagogical Resources
If you're looking for ways to effectively incorporate clickers into your classroom, including best practices, how to write clicker questions and much more, please visit the Instructor Pedagogical Resources page.
Looking for a little help creating questions? iClicker's AI Question Generator could prove useful.
iClicker Video Tutorials
Share these with your students: