Step 1
Create an instructor account with iClicker.
Step 3
Create a course in iClicker cloud using your CU Boulder course name. It's helpful to include your name and the semester when creating your course. We recommend putting the course code in the Course ID field.
Step 4
Step 5
Click the settings button on the left, and go to Devices. Choose whether you want to permit mobile polling or not. Be sure to check the Wi-Fi rating and frequency code for your room.
Step 6
Step 7
Open the Attendance tab. If you plan to use iClicker to ask questions, turn off attendance. If you don't plan to use iClicker to ask questions, leave attendance on, but go to our tutorial on attendance-only classes.
Step 8
Step 9
Scroll down, and select how you want to award points for your class. Participation points are awarded by the day, and Performance points are earned by answering individual questions and/or getting questions correct. Both can be used.
For more information see iClicker's explanation of the difference between performance and participation points, and how to use each.
Step 10
Step 11
Once finished, click Save and move on to our Set Up Roster and Grade Sync for iClicker & Canvas tutorial.