Go to the iClicker instructor portal and navigate to the Settings page for your course.
Click View Details to email an invitation to create an iClicker account to students that don't have one yet. You will need to re-sync the roster daily until the add-drop period has ended. This can be found on the People tab of your iClicker course.
Click the uppermost left box to select all the students that need to create a clicker account, then click Send Email to send the invitation.
Unless you have a good reason to do so, let iClicker create a single grade item in your Canvas gradebook. If you have multiple sections you will want to rename the grade item with the section number. If everything looks correct, click Save.
If you're creating an attendance-only class, then you're finished. If you intend to ask students questions using iClicker, proceed to step 12.
The first time you sync the grades from iClicker to Canvas, iClicker will create a grade item in the grade group at the top of your assignments list, so make sure to leave the new grade group there. Any changes you wish to make to grades should be made in the iClicker gradebook, not in Canvas, as iClicker will overwrite any changes made in Canvas. To learn more about syncing grades to Canvas, see our grading tutorial.