D2L Login Page Will a Have New Look Starting this Fall

Submitted by jach7912 on

Starting August 15, when you login to Desire2Learn (D2L), you will enter your login credentials through a new login page called the Federated Identity Service. An example of the login page is pictured to the right. The Federated Identity Service is an IdentiKey login system placed in front of campus web services that allows users to log in to one system, and gain access to others without having to log in again. Once users login to D2L, they will be able to access Qualtrics, VoiceThread and more without having to log in again. You can learn more about Federated Identity on the Identity and Access Management service page.

The credentials you use to login to D2L — your CU Login Name and IdentiKey Password — will not change and after logging in, the functionality and look of D2L will also remain unchanged. You will still access Desire2Learn by going to learn.colorado.edu. Since the authentication page loads dynamically per service, you should not bookmark the URL in your browser's address bar. Instead, you should bookmark the D2L login page URL (learn.colorado.edu).

If you have questions about this change or about D2L in general, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone) or email (link sends email)help@colorado.edu.