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New DocuSign Login Experience

Submitted by jach7912 on

Starting January 13, DocuSign, CU Boulder’s electronic signature application, will have a different login experience. Currently, users log into DocuSign using their email address and a DocuSign-specific password they created. After January 13, DocuSign will use CU Boulder’s Federated Identity Service and IdentiKey information to access accounts.

Federated Identity Service provides a single sign-on session. Meaning, if you've signed into one CU Boulder service using that service (e.g. MyCUInfo, Qualtrics, etc.) and go to another one, you won't have to sign in again during that same session.

Accessing DocuSign after January 13, 2017

  • Go to (not active until Jan. 13)
  • You will be directed to CU Boulder's Federated Identity Service access page (pictured below).
  • Login with your IdentiKey and follow any on-screen steps, such as agreeing to Terms of Use and confirming your Digital ID Card.

DocuSign login screen

If you experience any issues, please email