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Zoom - Managing Waiting Room Participants

Zoom provides the capability to enable a feature called waiting room to help manage when meeting participants are able to enter the meeting. Use the Zoom - Enable and Customize Waiting Rooms to set up waiting rooms, and use the steps below to manage participants in the waiting room.

For additional help, visit Zoom's Waiting Room support documentation.

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Start by entering a Zoom meeting which has meeting room enabled. 


When someone enters the meeting, they will see a screen indicating they are in the waiting room and you will see a message indicating someone is in the waiting room. Click Admit to allow the participant to join immediately, or click See waiting room to manage the participants.

Note: See waiting room participants at any time by clicking on the Manage Participants icon.


After clicking See waiting room or Manage Participants, you will see a listing of who is in the waiting room. Click Admit to allow them into the meeting.


After clicking Admit, the participant will join the meeting. As the meeting host you have several additional options regarding the participant, including placing them back into the waiting room. See Zoom's Managing Participants support documentation for a full description of what each option does.