Kaltura - Download Kaltura Media From Provided Communication

OIT discovered that the first round of Kaltura media emails with CSV files appeared to format the CSV file incorrectly. This resulted in the following issues:

  • All files are listed horizontally on row two.
  • All download links do not hyperlink

Follow the instructions below to successfully download Kaltura media using the communications received.

one column
two columns

Download media from the content of the communication Email

  1. Scroll down near the bottom of the Email until you see, “Here are your Kaltura media files that will not be migrated:"
  2. Click the URL under Download Link for each Kaltura Media file you would like to save.
  3. After clicking the URL, a web browser will open and begin downloading the Kaltura Media file.
  4. Once the download is completed, it will be located in the downloads folder on your computer.
  5. Drag and drop the file into your Canvas Studio - My library. Please note: You can drag and drop a batch of files to Canvas Studio instead of individually.

Download media from the Excel document attached to the Communication Email

  1. Open up the provided Excel document.
  2. Look for the Download Link within row 1.
  3. Select the cell under the Download Link cell.
  4. From the field above the spreadsheet, copy the URL starting from http://
  5. Open up a web browser and paste in the URL, then hit enter.
  6. This will automatically start downloading the Kaltura Media.
  7. Once done downloading, you can find the file within the downloads folder on your computer. 
  8. Drag and drop the file into your Canvas Studio - My library. Please note: You can drag and drop a batch of files to Canvas Studio instead of individually.