File Storage - Connecting to a File Share - Mac

On Mac, you will use the Connect to a Server function to connect to one of OIT's file services. Follow the instructions below. If you're off-campus or on UCB Wireless, connect with CU Boulder's VPN first

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Click on the Finder icon on your dock.


Click on the Go drop-down menu and select Connect to Server.


In the Server Address: text field, enter the server address that you received from OIT when your account was provisioned, or ask the group admin in your department for the address.

The address will be structured like the following: smb://

Note: The 'server' and 'sharename' you need in order to connect was provided to you by OIT.

After entering the Server Address, click on the Connect button.


A window will open to enter your credentials.

In the Name: text field enter your Identikey

In the Password: text field enter your Identikey password.

Click on the OK button.


Your storage space will appear in your finder window. Click on it to open it and start storing files.

Make an Alias

A way to easily access your storage space is to make an Alias on your Desktop. To do this, right-click (or cmd-click) on the drive and select Make Alias. You can also make Aliases for any folder or file in your storage space that you access frequently.