Systems Engineering

Focus on what matters most to you while we manage the tools and infrastructure that will help you reach your goals.

Our team has the expertise to assess your research, administrative, or business IT needs, design and deploy a hosting solution, and then manage your environment. We work closely with Research Computing, and their service offerings to ensure we collaborate and match your needs to the appropriate available solution. Our IT service management follows industry best practices for security and management so you can focus on your department’s mission rather than IT Infrastructure concerns like whether or not your servers are up and running and if they’re safe and secure.

Here is what you can expect from us when you engage SE to provide for your IT needs:

Sis Flow Chart diagram

This includes: Requirements Analysis, Technical Setup and Acceptance into Services.

When we manage your environment, we strive for FAME.

  • Fix - If something is not working properly or not meeting your expectations, we work with you to remediate the issue.
  • Administer - We configure and manage your environment to ensure it is properly designed, fully patched, secure, and you have the latest technology to meet your needs. We will also install and upgrade software upon request and ensure your infrastructure’s availability is meeting expectations and serving your needs.  This is all so you can focus on your core teaching, research, administrative, or business needs.
  • Monitor - SE offers 24/7 monitoring of your environment.  We are alerted to all events requiring attention and will inform you of any incidents or problems.
  • Enhance - We know your business, research, and teaching needs are continuously changing. As such, we work with you to build and improve your IT environment to ensure it continues to fit your changing  needs.


In addition to full system administration support for Windows systems, we provide a virtual infrastructure (campus private cloud) where you can "rent" servers as needed. Submit a Virtual Server Request to get started.

For a listing of all SE administration, hosting and consultation services, please refer to the SE Service Offerings page for detailed descriptions of our services.

Benefits of Campus Private Cloud

  • You can focus on what matters most to you: your research, teaching or administrative services
  • You can focus your attention on the application layer while we manage everything else
  • Your services and data will be available and recoverable even in the event of hardware failure
  • 24x7 support of the infrastructure including vendor support contracts
  • You benefit from our extensive experience designing, deploying and hosting solutions to meet the diverse needs of the CU Boulder campus
  • Your services will align with campus security standards and industry best practices
  • Fewer budget line items to manage
  • We can help you reclaim space that is being taken up by servers and support infrastructure

Visit the Testimonials page to hear about the benefits of SE, directly from the customers we serve.



Services are available for a cost. Review the Pricing page for details about costs of all SE services.

Who can get it

Systems Engineering services are available for all of CU and CU affiliates.

How to get it

For a consultation, contact (link sends email)Jason Hill. For help, please visit the following pages:


Maintenance Schedules

For information about the current reboot maintenance schedules, please visit the SE maintenance schedules page.

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