Service Restored: Voicemail Indicator Lights

Submitted by stauffeg on

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Issue updated August 19: The issue with voicemail indicator lights not turning on despite the arrival of a new voicemail message has been resolved. If you are still experiencing problems with your indicator light not turning on, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone).

OIT has made changes to how the voicemail indicator light behaves so that after listening to a message, the voicemail indicator light will turn off. If your indicator light stays on despite having no new messages, you may have new messages in your old voicemail inbox. To access those messages, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone) for directions to access the old voicemail service.

Issue updated August 7: An issue with voicemail indicator lights is still affecting many phones on the CU Boulder campus. This results in the voicemail indicator on a phone not lighting up despite the arrival of new voicemail messages in one’s inbox. If this issue is affecting your phone, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone) to have the issue resolved. In some cases this issue has resurfaced even after preventative measures are taken. We suggest that everyone periodically check their voicemail even if the indicator light is not on.

Troubleshooting measures applied on Thursday, August 7, may have resulted in your indicator light turning on due to the presence of older unread messages. As a result, you many now notice that you have older messages that came in while your voicemail indicator light was not working. This does not mean that your voicemail indicator has been fixed and we suggest that everyone periodically check their voicemail even if the indicator light is not on.

If you find that your voicemail indicator light is on, but you have no messages in your inbox, this could indicate that you have messages on the old voicemail service. To access those messages, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone) for directions to access the old voicemail service.

Please note that the new voicemail service treats new voice messages differently than the previous system. The voicemail indicator light will remain on until you have listened to each new message in its entirety or saved or deleted all new messages.

OIT is working with the voicemail vendor to resolve these issues as quickly as possible, and in the meantime suggests periodically checking your voicemail even if the indicator light is not on.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

Service issue reported July 30: Since the move to the new campus voicemail service on July 23, a number of customers' voicemail indicator lights are not functioning properly. This results in the voicemail indicator on a phone not lighting up despite the presence of new voicemail messages in one’s inbox. If this issue is affecting your phone, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone) to have the issue resolved.