Service Maintenance Completed: Distribution Routers

Submitted by krlu2891 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Four distribution routers, supplying network services to more than 50 buildings on campus (see list of affected buildings below), will undergo an upgrade on Tuesday, January 7, starting at 5:45 a.m. and concluding by 6:30 a.m. During the 45-minute maintenance window, both wired and wireless network services will be disrupted for up to five minutes in the affected buildings.


During the 45-minute maintenance window, both wired and wireless network services will be disrupted for up to five minutes in the affected buildings (see list of affected buildings below).

Affected Services

Network service (wired and wireless)

Affected Buildings

All residence halls
Armory (ARMR)
Balch Field House (FH)
Bear Creek Apt. A (BCAPA)
Bear Creek Apt. B (BCAPB)
Bear Creek Commons (BCC)
Carlson Gymnasium (CARL)
Center for Community (Housing/Dining Services) (C4C)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Children's Center at Smiley Court (DACR)
Clare Small Arts and Sciences Rooms (CLRE)
College of Music (MUS)
Continuing Education (CEDU)
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
CU Foundation (PFDC)
DalWard (DALW)
Denison Arts and Sciences (DEN)
Education (EDUC)
Ekeley (EKLC)
Environmental Design (ENVD)
Grounds and Service Center (GRNS)
Guggenheim (GUGG)
Hale Sciences (HALE)
Hazel Gates Woodruff Cottage (COTT)
Health Physics Laboratory (HPHY)
Hellems Arts and Sciences (HLMS)
Henderson (HEND)
IBS1-9 (IBS1-9)
Institute of Behavioral Sciences (IBSX)
Ketchum Arts and Sciences (KTCH)
Koenig Alumni Center (ALUM)
Macky Auditorium (MCKY)
McKenna Languages (MKNA)
Museum of Natural History (MCOL)
Norlin Library (LIBR)
Old Main (MAIN)
Ramaley Biology (RAMY)
Recreation Center (REC)
Smiley Court (SMCT)
Stadium Pressbox (STAD)
Theatre and Dance (THTR)
University Memorial Center (UMC)
Visual Arts Complex (VAC)
Wardenberg Health Center (WARD)
Williams Village (WVHP)


This maintenance event is the third and final phase to upgrade all distribution routers across campus. Phases one and two, which have identical impacts, but across different buildings, are detailed in the following two service alerts: and

For More Information

If you have questions about this maintenance, please contact the IT Service Center at or call 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone). Learn more about the IT Service Center at