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Service Restored: ISIS and Portal Login Issues

Submitted by stauffeg on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Issue Resolved at 10 am: The ISIS login issues hae been resolved and access to ISIS, MyCUInfo, MyCUBoulder, DARS and Cedar Admissions Application has been restored. There are no remaining outstanding login issues.

Issue Update at 9:40 am: UIS is continuing to troubleshoot a login issue that is impacting a number of enterprise applications. It appears at this time that ISIS and portal logins are returning to normal.

Issue Reported at 9 am: An ISIS login issue is impacting the ability to log in to the ISIS student information system. This could also be impacting MyCUInfo, MyCUBoulder, ERA, Finance, HR and other ISIS-related services. More information will be posted as it becomes available.