Service Restored: VPN Connections and Campus Network

Submitted by keea2562 on

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End Date & Time


Service Restored at 12:30 PM on 7/9/2024: After investigation, OIT determined the issue was not with the border firewall, but rather was related to external Internet Service Provider (ISP) services. OIT has confirmed that it appears the issue has been resolved and there is no further impact to the VPN or OIT services. 

Service Issue Updated at 7:30 AM on 7/9/2024: OIT's networking team found that the issue is likely with the campus network border firewall. Impact is not limited to the VPN. OIT's networking team has engaged the vendor and we continue to troubleshoot the issue. There may continue to be intermittent issues connecting to the VPN or accessing services hosted on campus until the issue is resolved. 

Service Issue Reported at 3:00 PM on 7/8/2024: OIT is receiving reports of some users receiving an error message when attempting to connect to the campus VPN or custom VPN's. Some users are having success after multiple connection attempts. OIT's networking team is investigating the issue.