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Service Restored: Grouper update delays

Submitted by keea2562 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Issue Resolved at 1:45 PM 3/11/2020: All delays with Grouper memberships propagating to Active Directory cleared as of approximately 1:45pm today.

This includes membership changes for newly admitted students and numerous other Grouper changes that were made on Tuesday. All membership changes should now be reflected in Active Directory and the service is functioning normally.

Issue Updated at 5:21 PM 3/10/2020:   We are experiencing lengthy delays with many group memberships syncing from Grouper -> Active Directory.  Group changes made through may not propagate to Active Directory immediately.  In addition, changes to student role groups that Buff Portal relies upon are delayed. As a result, not all of the recently admitted 7,000 students are in the admitted student role yet. 

We are monitoring the activity and taking steps where we can to speed up provisioning, but at this time we have no ETA on when the issues will clear.  Additional information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Issue Updated at 5:03 PM 3/10/2020:  Issues with missing first names and IdentiKey login names for recently admitted students have been resolved.  We're experiencing other issues with group updates and I will send a new, separate support alert to address those.

Issue Updated at 7:55AM 3/10/2020: OIT has addressed the name issues with newly created accounts for admitted students. With this update, there may be some delays that may affect newly admitted students ability to access Buff Portal. OIT is monitoring the status of those ongoing updates.

Service Issue Reported at 2:00PM 3/9/2020: OIT is aware of an issue with first name data for newly admitted students. We are working on implementing a fix. ETA is Tuesday morning.