Service Restored: Power Outage on East Campus

Submitted by krlu2891 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


All OIT Services are available at this time.

Xcel is currently working to fully repair a downed power line that caused an outage at the East Campus Computing Center. Xcel is estimating a completion time of 10:35 a.m. The East Campus may experience a small power outage when the power is restored; however, OIT anticipates the services will stay online.

Update: 10:26 a.m. - The Course Roster Email service is available.

Update: 9:21 a.m. - CULearn is available. The Course Roster Email service is currently unavailable.

Update: 8:25 a.m. - CULink, Identity Manager are now available. CULearn is still unavailable.

Update: 7 a.m. - Xcel has restored power to the Computing Center and OIT is working diligently to bring services back up. CULearn, CULink and Identity Manager are unavailable.

2:37 a.m. - 7 a.m. -  Interim power supplied OIT Services for a few hours; however, some services were proactively brought down to avoid data loss in the event of a loss of the interim power supply.

2:37 a.m. - Power was lost on the East Campus due to a downed power line.


Multiple OIT Services were unavailable for a couple hours Sunday morning due to a power outage on East Campus.