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Service Maintenance Completed: Enterprise Storage - Files & UCBFiles File Server

Submitted by stauffeg on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Update: This migration was postponed in order to address share naming issues. When a new date is established, Files and UCB Files users will be notified by email.

Fileshares beginning with the following paths on the Enterprise Storage service will be moved to new hardware from 7 pm on Tuesday, May 28, to 7 am on Wednesday, May 29 making the service intermittently unavailable.

  • \\
  • \\
  • \\
  • \\

During this timeframe users of Files, UCBFiles1, UCBFiles2, and UCBFiles3 shares on Enterprise Storage may be able to see their files on the service, but be unable to save files to the service.


From 7 pm on Tuesday, May 28, to 7 am on Wednesday, May 29 fileshares beginning with the following paths on the Enterprise Storage service will be intermittently unavailable.

  • \\
  • \\
  • \\
  • \\

During this timeframe users of Files, UCBFiles1, UCBFiles2, and UCBFiles3 shares on Enterprise Storage may be able to see their files on the service, but be unable to save files to the service. This will impact files stored in the \\ path. After the maintenance is complete, it may be necessary to restart your computer in order to connect to the service. This maintenance will not affect access to local files on your computer, or any shares on Enterprise Storage beginning with the paths \\ or \\

Affected Services

Enterprise Storage fileshares beginning with the following paths:

  • \\
  • \\
  • \\
  • \\