OIT Technology Copilots are available this spring semester to support instructors teaching hybrid or remote courses. This service helps facilitate students’ remote learning and supports instructors’ use of technologies such as Zoom and classroom AV equipment.
Typically, one Copilot is assigned to a course and supports the instructor throughout the entire semester. These copilots relieve faculty members of the burden of operating technologies while they teach so they can focus on the activities they have planned for the day. They also give remote students a presence in the classroom to optimize their engagement and save faculty from having to split their attention between two groups of students (remote and in-person).
Copilots will help ensure that the audio-visual technology is connected to Zoom, and that all remote students are able to participate. They also monitor remote students’ discussions in the Zoom chat window so that instructors can be informed of questions or issues the remote students raise. Technology Copilots can also manage the Zoom waiting room and breakout rooms, admitting students into the class and assigning them to rooms for group work.
To learn more about the Technology Copilot program (and to request one), please visit the OIT Technology Copilot service page.