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A New Interface for Qualtrics

Submitted by stauffeg on

On Monday, July 18, CU Boulder moved to the new Qualtrics interface. As part of this update, Qualtrics introduced new features, including a new projects framework, more options for distributing surveys, and an improved way to view responses and results.

Name Changes

Qualtrics has relabeled some terms in the new platform:

Old Interface New Interface
Survey Project
Advanced Options Tools
Tabs Modules
Collaborate Share
Generated Links Personal Links
Download Data Export Data

Learn About the Changes

Explore the New Qualtrics, visit the Qualtrics Support website, or attend an upcoming webinar for details about the new interface and features.

What’s New Webinar

Basic Building and Distributing Webinar
Recorded | Live

Advanced Survey Building Webinar
Recorded | Live

Reporting Webinar
Recorded | Live

If you have questions or comments regarding the new Qualtrics, please contact the IT Service Center at or call 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone).