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Having trouble connecting to CU Boulder’s networks?

Submitted by stauffeg on

OIT requires network authentication in order to provide a safe network for all CU Boulder network users. The first time you access the Resnet wired network, UCB Wireless or the Eduroam wireless networks, you must register your device(s) by following these steps:

  • After connecting to the selected wired or wireless network, open up a web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.) and the network registration page will be displayed. This is where you should enter your CU Boulder username and IdentiKey password to gain network and Internet access;
  • If the registration page does not automatically display after launching your web browser, you may need to open an off-campus website — one that starts with http: and not https: (e.g. — in order to prompt the registration page to open;
  • many programs and mobile apps (including Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail) will not connect and function properly until a web browser is opened and the device owner registers;
  • your CU Boulder username and IdentiKey password must be entered on the network registration page before connecting to the aforementioned networks.

If you have already registered your device on these networks, but are still having network connection issues, please fill out the Network Troubleshooting form or contact the IT Service Center at or 303-735-4357.