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Large File Transfer - Requesting Files

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The following tutorial will take you through the process of requesting files to be uploaded to your Inbox in the Large File Transfer service.


Go to Click the arrow next to the Compose button in the upper left corner of the window. In the dropdown menu that appears, select Request files to inbox


Enter the email address of the recipient(s) in the To field, a message subject, and then compose a message body if you wish. 

Optional: Click Notify after upload or type in email addresses in the field next to the button if there are people you want notified when the recipient uploads their file(s).


There are some optional settings available to apply to your request before sending. You can access them by clicking Message settings.

  • Require authentication for file uploads: This option will require the recipient(s) to sign into the Large File Transfer service to upload files. If they don’t already have an account on the server, they will be prompted to create one.
  • Limit number of file uploads: You can specify the number of files each recipient can upload.
  • Set upload link expiration: Links expire on the specified date at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM) UTC time


When you are fine with the default settings, click the Send request button at the bottom of the screen to send your message.