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CUClickers - Using iClicker Student App in class

Use this tutorial to learn how to use the iClicker Student App. To sign up for a free account, visit our Create an iClicker Student Account tutorial.

You may also wish to use a physical iClicker in class. To learn how, watch the How to set your iClicker frequency video on the OIT YouTube channel.

one column
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Log in to

If you need an account, please see our create a free iClicker Student tutorial.


If your course does not appear, make sure you are registered for your class and you appear in the Canvas course.  If you need to manually add the class, make sure you have registered your account correctly, sign out of all devices and then sign back in, and then follow the instructions iClicker has provided for How to Add an Instructor's Course in the iClicker Student App.


When class starts, click on your course in your iClicker Student App Courses page.


When your instructor starts class, the option to join your class will appear. Click the Join button.


When a poll starts, the question type will show up and the options (for multiple choice) or an answer blank (for short or numeric answers) will appear (the question may or may not appear on your screen, depending on your instructor's settings). Click the letter corresponding to your answer, or fill in the blank.


Target questions will appear as a picture, and you simply need to click on the area of the right answer


After the poll has been closed, you will see your answer, and if the teacher permits it, the correct answer.


When class is over use the study tools to review clicker questions and answers.