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Canvas - Adjusting Course Start/End Dates

After you have published your course in Canvas, the course’s Start and End dates determine when your students will have access to it. This tutorial explains how to adjust the access dates for your course in Canvas.

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When you first create your course, you will have the option of adjusting the default Start and End dates. Your students will not be able to see your Canvas course outside these dates.


After you’ve created your course, you can adjust the Start and End dates from within Canvas. In your course, click the Settings button.


Enter the date when student access to your course should Start. By default, courses start two days prior to the first day of class to give students time to review materials ahead of time.

*Note: You must always publish your course before students can see it, regardless of what you enter for a Start date.


Enter the date when student access to your course should End. By default, courses end three weeks after the last day of finals to give your students time to review their grades and download course materials.

*Note: When the end date for your course is reached, the course will no longer appear on students’ dashboards, and students will no longer be able to access the course. On the other hand, if you don’t set an end date for your course, it will appear on your students’ dashboards indefinitely.


Ensure the option for Users can only participate in the course between these dates is checked. If you uncheck this option, the start and end dates will no longer have any effect on course access, and Canvas will act as if there were no start or end dates for the course.


Scroll all the way down and click Update Course Details to save your changes.