Service Restored: Desire2Learn

Submitted by stauffeg on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Issue Resolution: 1:20 pm
Desire2Learn has confirmed that the network issues have been resolved. Our campus's instance of Desire2Learn is back online and accepting logins.

Issue Update: 11:55 am
Desire2Learn has reported that the service outage is affecting mulitple university campuses. They are currently investigating networking issues at a hosting facility. There is no estimate of when this issue will be resolved; however, more information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Issue Start: 11 am
Desire2Learn is currently not accepting logins. OIT is working with the vendor to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.

The following incident summary was provided by Desire2Learn

Incident: Due to a network disruption in our hosting facility, clients were unable to access their Desire2Learn environment.

Start Time: April 19, 2012, 11:35am ET

End Time:  April 19, 2012, 3:19pm ET for most clients.

A small number of clients had services that didn’t restart immediately and may have had impacts until 3:56pm ET.

Cause:  There was a failure with a core network switch, and the failover to the redundant network switch did not occur properly.

Root Cause Information:

Desire2Learn would like to share with you some initial root cause findings. Some hosted clients have experienced SQL database interruptions since April 9, 2012. Hosting facility engineers have determined that these database issues were related to the core network switch beginning to fail and interrupting communications between databases.

We are working with the hardware vendor to determine the root cause of the core network switch failure. Technical teams are continuing to closely monitor the hosting facility network and hardware.

Desire2Learn is compiling additional Root Cause information and will provide you with another update on Monday, April 23, 2011.

We sincerely apologize for the impact the disruption this may have caused your organization.

Desire2Learn Customer Service & Support