Service Restored: Incoming SMTP Servers Malfunctioning

Submitted by stauffeg on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Update at 11:15 a.m. on 10/13/19: The delivery of misrouted emails has been completed. Any messages that you may have missed during the impacted window (between 9:21 and 11:18 AM MT on Wednesday, October 9) should appear in your inbox. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the IT Service Center. You can reach them at or 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone). We thank you for your patience throughout this issue.

Update at 1:10 pm on 10/11/19: OIT is starting the delivery of the misrouted emails and expects the process to complete over the next few days. When the delivery process concludes, we will issue another update. In the meantime, if you think you sent a message that was not delivered within the impacted window (between 9:21 and 11:18 AM MT on Wednesday, October 9), we encourage you to resend that message from your sent items folder. If you did not receive a message that you were expecting during that time, we suggest you reach out to the sender and ask them to send it again.

We thank you for your patience throughout this issue.

Update at 4:50 pm on 10/10/19: OIT is working to deliver the emails that were misrouted yesterday. We can’t yet say when we will be able to deliver those emails, but we expect to have more clarity about that process by noon tomorrow. Please note that some emails sent from external accounts to CU Boulder accounts were also impacted in addition to the scenarios that were outlined in an earlier update. In the meantime, if you think you sent a message that was not delivered within the impacted window (between 9:21 and 11:18 AM MT on Wednesday, October 9), we encourage you to resend that message from your sent items folder. If you did not receive a message that you were expecting during that time, we suggest you reach out to the sender and ask them to send it again.

Update at 8:30 am on 10/10/2019: As an update to previously sent service alerts, OIT continues to work to rectify misrouted email messages. Yesterday’s email routing issue has been resolved and email is routing correctly. However, if you think you sent a message that was not delivered within the impacted window (between 9:21 and 11:18 AM MT on Wednesday, October 9), we encourage you to resend that message from your sent items folder at this time. If you did not receive a message that you were expecting during that time, we suggest you reach out to the sender and ask them to send it again. We thank you for your patience while we work to recover these emails and identify impacted message recipients.


  • All emails sent from one CU Boulder Office365 user to another CU Boulder Office365 user were delivered correctly
  • Some emails sent from a CU Boulder Office 365 user to a CU Boulder Gmail user were impacted
  • Some emails sent from a CU Boulder Gmail user to a CU Boulder Office 365 user were impacted
  • Some emails sent from external accounts to CU Boulder accounts were impacted
  • Emails sent from any CU Boulder Office 365 or CU Boulder Gmail user to an external email address were unaffected

As more information becomes available, this alert will be updated.

Updated at 4:30 on 10/9/19: This morning’s incoming email SMTP server issue caused some emails to be dropped and not delivered from 9:21 am until 11:18 am. OIT is continuing to investigate the issue, but unfortunately we are currently unable to determine how many emails were not delivered or to whom. This issue does not appear to have affected outgoing email; only email sent to campus addresses. We will continue to investigate the cause and outcomes, and more information will be provided here as it becomes available.

Update at 12:19 pm on 10/9/19: Incoming emails are currently being delivered again, however, there will be a delay due to the high volume of queued messages. Outgoing email is not impacted. Thank you for your patience in this matter. 

Issue reported 11:04 10/09/2019 - OIT has received reports that individuals are unable to connect to CU's incoming SMTP servers. After testing, this issue was confirmed. OIT is working urgently to restore the service as soon as possible.