The Office of Information Technology will upgrade software on some of the ResNet wireless controllers in on Thursday, September 15 in order to enhance wireless functionality, increase system stability and accommodate network growth.
During the upgrade, users may find that UCB Wireless and Guest Wireless are unavailable in affected campus residences (see below) for up to five minutes.
Affected Services
UCB Wireless & UCB Guest
Affected Buildings
Aden, Andrews, Arnett, Athens North, Baker, Bear Creek Buildings A & B, Brackett, Buckingham, Cheyenne Arapahoe, College Inn, Crosman, Cockerel, Darley Commons, Darley Towers, Family Housing Children's Center - Newton Court, Farrand, Hallett, Housing System Maintenance Center, Kittredge Commons, Kittredge West, Libby, Newton Court, Reed, Willard, Sewall, Smiley Court, Smith, Stearns Tower, Willard Remodel, Williams Village North
For More Information
If you have questions about this maintenance, please contact the IT Service Center at or call 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone). Phone help is available from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.