Digication - Accessibility

Service Overview

Digication is an e-portfolio platform in which students can create web-based portfolios with multimedia content. Since Digication is a content creation platform, this page has information about both the accessibility of the portfolio creation platform as well as information about the accessibility of the portfolios that are created by users. Portfolio creators are responsible for following best practices to create accessible content in the platform.

Digication Accessibility Status

Digication’s ePortfolio creation interface is currently inaccessible to screen reader users. The accessibility of content created in Digication has not yet been tested with screen readers.

Statements on this page about the accessibility of Digication are based on accessibility testing done most recently in January 2018, and may no longer represent the current status of the software.

Information for Assistive Technology Users

Please check Digication’s list of supported browsers if you are encountering difficulties with the platform. Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari (desktop) are not supported by Digication at this time.

Information for Screen Reader Users

Digication is not currently accessible to screen reader users when creating ePortfolios. Known issues include:

  • Difficulty or inability to edit content blocks, including text and table modules.
  • Alert messages not being read out to the screen reader when content is saved or published.
  • Inconsistent focus handling. 

The accessibility of ePortfolios created in the Digication platform has not yet been reviewed.

Information for Screen Magnifier Users

Digication has not yet been tested with a screen magnifier for accessibility. To provide feedback to OIT on any accessibility issues you encounter in Digication, please contact the IT Service Center at (link sends email)oithelp@colorado.edu or at 303-735-4357.

Information for Instructors

Digication is not fully accessible to screen reader users and keyboard-only users. If students are required to use Digication in your course, identify an alternate interface that students can use instead of Digication to present their content if necessary.

Information for Content Creators

When creating ePortfolios in Digication, please follow basic content accessibility best practices such as using alt text, providing captions for videos, avoiding the use of color or style alone to convey meaning, and more. 

Digication provides tutorials about how to:

Service Roadmap & Vendor Accessibility Documentation

Digication is actively working on the accessibility issues reported by OIT. Two known issues will have extended resolution timelines: improving the text module interface for ease of editing with screen readers, and reworking the table module to be accessible with screen reader use. 

Digication has provided a Digication VPAT (May 2019).

Get Help or Provide Feedback

OIT has partnered with Disability Services to provide assistance for accessibility issues related to OIT supported services and we want to hear from you about this service. If you need assistance using this service or you have more information about the accessibility of this service that we should share with others, please contact the IT Service Center at (link sends email)oithelp@colorado.edu or at 303-735-4357.