Service Restored: Physics Router Upgrade

Submitted by stauffeg on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


The Office of Information Technology (formerly Information Technology Services) will upgrade router equipment on Thursday morning, July 28 making network connections (both wired and wireless) unavailable for approximately 60 minutes in Regent, 924 Broadway, 914 Broadway, C4C (non-Resnet), Willard (non-Resnet).


During the upgrade, Regent, 924 Broadway, 914 Broadway, C4C (non-Resnet), Willard (non-Resnet), will be without wired and wireless network connectivity, including the ability to remotely VPN in to any departmental servers, for approximately 60 minutes.

Affected Buildings

Regent, 924 Broadway, 914 Broadway, C4C (non-Resnet), Willard (non-Resnet)