Initiative: Cloud Computing for Research and Teaching at CU Boulder

About the Initiative

In September 2016, Vice Chancellor for Research Terri Fiez convened a group of subject matter experts from around the CU Boulder campus to look at how cloud computing might be included in the campus research computing structure.

"Cloud computing has the potential to enhance existing collaborations and stimulate new ones between CU Boulder and its many research partners, both internal and external," says Fiez. "Discovering how the cloud can best support our researchers will be a key step forward in developing our long-term strategy as the innovation university."

The charge to the group included:

  1. Create a plan for a cloud computing service model and cloud deployment model in support of research, especially research incorporating big data analytics. The plan will include requirements gathering to support the launching of any technical directions;
  2. Identify a service and deployment model in support of instruction and training;
  3. Generate a plan for an organization and staffing that provides open and equitable access to interested users;
  4. Explore a sustainable financial model for the operation and support of cloud resources; and
  5. Design guidelines and policies that are amenable to the adoption of cloud computing for researchers at CU Boulder in the future.

Working Group Members

  • Ken Anderson, Computer Science
  • Jim Dykes, IBS
  • Orrie Gartner, OIT
  • Dirk Grunwald, Computer Science
  • Sangtae Ha, Computer Science
  • David Hamrick, OIT
  • Thomas Hauser, OIT/RC
  • Brian Johnson, NSIDC
  • David Kohnke, Leeds 
  • Michael Paul, Information Science
  • Larry Levine, OIT 
  • Ben Shapiro, ATLAS/Comp. Science
  • Kurt Maute, AES 
  • Doug Smith, CEAS
  • Joe McManus, ITP
  • Supported by: Ligea Ferraro
  • Facilitator: Emily CoBabe-Ammann, RIO

Initial Report

An initial report, published November 2016, outlines a vision for research and education cloud computing including recommended next steps. This report is available below (see attached):

Snapshot Report of Computing at CU Boulder

Based on focus groups and a survey of CU Boulder researchers and research IT support personnel, a snapshot in time of current computing workflows, support used, and computing needs was developed. This report is available below.

Next Steps

The next step was to develop a model of how campus might address the emerging computing needs and identify both gaps and opportunities. This next step can be found in the Analysis of RC Cloud Computing Requirements document below.

  • Analysis of RC Cloud Computing Requirements (PDF)
  • Read More

    CU Boulder Today: Grand Challenge: Exploring the power of cloud computing for research partnerships

    Contact Us

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