SAS is a statistical software suite developed by SAS Institute for data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, criminal investigation, and predictive analytics.

The SAS Education Analytical Suite for teaching and academic research integrates several SAS Analytics foundation software products in a bundle exclusively available for educational professionals who want superior analytic tools.

OS: Windows Linux
Affiliation: Faculty Staff Students


CU AffiliationEligibility
Alumni Not eligible
Emeritus Eligible
Faculty or Staff Eligible
Persons of Interest (POIs)Types C, D
Retirees Not eligible
Students Eligible
CampusAnschutz, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver


The software can be used for:

  • Academic teaching & learning
  • Academic research (nonprofit)*

The software can't be used for:

  • Commercial purposes (for profit)
  • Non-academic research
  • Administrative (university business)

Where it can be installed

University-owned computers used exclusively by the licensed subscriber and one personally owned device

*Academic research is research that is conducted on campus and is (1) in support of the university's degree-granting requirements or a faculty member's tenure; (2) federally funded in support of academia; or (3) in fulfillment of or funded by a university-related program or initiative.


SAS is available to purchase as an annual subscription at the following schedule. All licenses expire on June 30 of each year. The dates listed below are the window in which the software is available at that listed price.

Purchase DateLicense Cost
July 1, 2024–Dec. 31, 2024$100
Jan. 1, 2025–March 31, 2025$75
April 1, 2025–June 30, 2025$46

How to get it

To order SAS for Workstation or Server, visit OIT's OnTheHub Software Ordering page for more information and instructions.

A smaller, free product version, SAS University Edition, is available online but has several limitations.



The new SAS Academic Hub, provides access to over 15 free e-Learning courses, certification exam prep materials, and campus course materials. Easily access these resources by visiting the SAS Academic Hub and use a university-affiliated email address during checkout.