Service Restored: FRPA and DEPA

Submitted by stauffeg on

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End Date & Time


Service Restored by 12:15 p.m., Feb. 1: Full functionality has been restored to the FRPA and DEPA reporting sites for all browsers. Chrome and Firefox browsers should no longer return errors when being used for reporting activities on these sites.

Service Issue Updated at 11:09 a.m., Feb. 1: In addition to Chrome, the Firefox browser is now also no longer supported on FRPA and DEPA and returning errors to those who are trying to complete forms. Until this issue is resolved, FRPA and DEPA users should use the Safari, Edge or Internet Explorer 11 browsers with these sites.

Service Issue Updated at 2:40 p.m., Jan. 31: The Chrome browser is not currently supported on the FRPA and DEPA sites and therefore users are encountering errors. Until this issue is rectified, FRPA and DEPA users should use the Firefox, Safari or Edge browsers with these sites.

Service Issue Updated at 1:37 p.m., Jan. 31: Errors are persisting on FRPA and DEPA for those using Chrome; however, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browsers are functional alternatives at this time. OIT is working to address the Chrome issue and more information will be provided here as it becomes available.

Service Issue Reported at 12:28 p.m., Jan. 31: The IT Service Center is receiving calls from campus affiliates who are encountering errors on FRPA and DEPA using the Chrome browser. The error message says ""ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH." The only known workaround at this time is to use another browser; however, some callers have reported that the issue is present with other browsers as well. More information will be provided here as it becomes available.